ILGenWeb Logo

Hamilton County, IL



Hamilton County Courthouse

100 S. Jackson St
McLeansboro, IL 62859
Phone: 618-643-3224

Hamilton County, Illinois Genealogy project is a free genealogical site about the people and history of this county.

We are a part of the ILGenWeb Project which is also a member of the USGenWeb Project. You can click on the logos at the top to be taken to these websites.

We hope you find helpful clues for your research of ancestors and relatives of Hamilton county.

On December 3, 1818, Illinois was admitted as the twenty-first state of the Union.

Hamilton County was created on February 8, 1821 from the western part of White County. The county seat is in McLeansboro, IL. The area of the present Hamilton County was part of White County from 1815 to 1821. From 1812 to 1815, it was part of Gallatin County. And before 1812, it was part of Randolph County. See the Illinois County Boundaries 1790-Present web site for maps showing county boundary changes.

1875 Map of Hamilton County, Illinois

The 2023 U.S. Census estimated population of Hamilton county: 7,911.

Hamilton County is situated in the southeastern portion of Illinois and is bounded on the northby Wayne County, on the east by White County, on the south by Saline County and on the west by Franklin and Jefferson Counties. It is in the form of a rectangular parallelogram, and is twenty-four miles from north to south and eighteen miles from east to west, thus containing 432 square miles or 276,480 acres.

Please consider contributing your pieces of Hamilton county family history. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. Our combined efforts can make this a great site for all who visit!

Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Web sites go away and website addresses change. Please contact me if you find a broken link on Hamilton county web pages.

The Current Hamilton County Coordinator is:
Sandy Bauer

Past County Coordinator: Michael Hebert

Thanks to our past County Coordinator, Michael Hebert, for all the hard work he put into creating and maintaining this website with help from volunteers who so generously contributed information, documents and photos.

Join us on Facebook too --> Hamilton County, Illinois Genealogy Group

The Rootsweb Mailing Lists Archives were shut down on April 6, 2023. Our Facebook group is a great way to share photos and genealogy information.

RootsWeb Query/Data Board - Post your Hamilton County queries here as well as items such as obituaries, biographies, military pension info., etc.

IL USGenWeb Archives

USGenWeb Archives

Information On Our Website

(in addition to menu items above)

External Information

Illinois State Archives Online

  1. Illinois Servitude and Emancipation Records
  2. Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database
  3. Physicians Database
  4. Databases of Illinois Veterans
  5. 1929 Illinois Roll of Honor
  6. Illinois Black Hawk War Veterans
  7. Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls
  8. Illinois Civil War Veterans of Missouri Units
  9. Illinois Civil War Veterans Serving in the U.S. Navy
  10. Illinois Mexican War Veterans
  11. Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home Residents
  12. Illinois Spanish–American War Veterans
  13. Illinois Veterans' History Project
  14. Illinois War of 1812 Veterans
  15. Illinois Winnebago War Veterans
  16. Illinois Statewide Death Index, Pre–1916
  17. Illinois Statewide Death Index (1916–1972)
  18. Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900

Historical Books on Hamilton County now online:
(Note these books have many pages so they take extra time to load in your browser.
They can be downloaded in PDF format to your computer)

If you have slower internet connection you may wish to sign in to your free account and view the digital version of these books page by page here (you need to have an account but it's free so sign up if you don't have an existing account):

Funeral Homes (& Obituaries)

  • Harre Funeral Home

  • Other Online Current Obituaries

    (including surrounding counties)
  • Franklin County - Benton Evening News
  • Washington County - The Nashville News
  • The Southern Illinoisan
  • Morning Sentinel - Mt Vernon Obits

    For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

    Designed by Templates in Time